  • Vaccines are a safe way to protect yourself from disease.
  • Getting a vaccination involves an injection or a nasal spray.
  • This is also called an immunisation or a jab.
  • By getting vaccinated you protect yourself and others.

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Easy read

Easy read resources.

  • You can go through the information below on your own, with support or in groups.
  • Ask someone you trust to help you if you need to.

  • Click on an image for more information.
Nasal flu spray – for children.

Easy read

Nasal flu spray – for children.

Nasal flu spray – for children.

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Nasal flu spray – for children.

Guide to having immunisations.

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Guide to having immunisations.

The flu jab.

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The flu jab.

Protecting yourself from flu.

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Protecting yourself from flu.

Flu jab tips.

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Flu jab tips.

Questions and answer about the flu jab

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Questions and answer about the flu jab.

Having the winter flu jab.

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Having the winter flu jab.

The coronavirus vaccine.

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The coronavirus vaccine.

Asking for extra support when getting your jab.

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Asking for extra support when getting your jab.

Young people aged 12-15 who might need the coronavirus vaccine.

Easy read

Young people aged 12-15 who might need the coronavirus vaccine.

YouTube video

Getting a flu jab.

YouTube video

Other reading resources.

  • Not easy read, ask someone you trust if you need help.

  • Click on an image for more information.
The complete routine immunisation schedule from September 2023.

The complete routine immunisation schedule from September 2023.

Seasonal flu vaccines.

Seasonal flu vaccines.

Oxfordshire School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS).

Oxfordshire School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS).

All about the HPV vaccination.

All about the HPV vaccination.

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Information on this website has been obtained from a number of different sources and was correct, to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. Things can change so we would always recommend seeking professional medical advice from a healthcare practitioner.