Easy read resources.
- You can go through the information below on your own, with support or in groups.
- Ask someone you trust to help you if you need to.
- Click on an image for more information.
Easy read
What is speech and language therapy?
Easy read
How speech and language therapy (SALT) can help you.
Easy read
Helping you to talk, listen and understand.
Easy read
Guide to help you know what good communication should look like.
Easy read
All about different communication aids.
Easy read
Communication ideas using a switch.
Other reading resources.
- Not easy read, ask someone you trust if you need help.
- Click on an image for more information.
Books ‘beyond words’ app.
Picture books on many different life circumstances from health to refugees.
A specialist service for children and adults with craniofacial conditions who have complex difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.
iPad apps for complex communication support.
Android apps for complex communication support.
Printable resources for communication support.
Using Ipad/Iphone text to speech.
Learning how to use Siri’s speech recognition.
Support for anyone with speech, language and communication needs.
Factsheet evidencing SLT requirements for anyone with learning difficulties.
To leave feedback about any of the healthcare information found on this website please Contact Us.
Information on this website has been obtained from a number of different sources and was correct, to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. Things can change so we would always recommend seeking professional medical advice from a healthcare practitioner.