  • We need sleep for our bodies and brains to work properly.

  • When we sleep our bodies and brains rest and get ready for the next day.
  • Having trouble sleeping is very common.
  • But there are lots of things you can do to help.

Easy read resources.

  • You can go through the information below on your own, with support or in groups.
  • Ask someone you trust to help you if you need to.

  • Click on an image for more information.
Getting a good night sleep.

Easy read

Getting a good night sleep.

My sleep.

Easy read

My sleep.

Sleep EEG.

Easy read

Having a sleep EEG.

Having a sleep study.

Easy read

Having a sleep study.

YouTube video

10 tips for a better nights sleep.

Other reading resources.

  • Not easy read, ask someone you trust if you need help.

  • Click on an image for more information.
Sleep advice charity

Sleep advice and tips for parents of children with SEND.

Diet and sleep guide

Diet and sleep guide.

Relaxation tips for bedtime.

Relaxation tips for bedtime.

Mencap sleep advice

Sleeping tips for parents with children who have learning disabilities.

Sleep difficulty learning disability

Sleep difficulties in children and young people with learning disabilities.

Child sleep guide

Sleep: A guide for parents.

Printable sleep cards

Sleep cards.

Online sleep seminars for parents

Online sleep seminars for parents led by sleep practioners.

Special needs beds

Safespaces: custom made safe rooms, high sided beds and sleep areas for home, schools, hospitals, respite care and travel.

Beds for special needs.

Beds for special needs.

Beds mobility and aid shop.

Complete care: a mobility and aid shop.

Contact Us

​To leave feedback about any of the healthcare information found on this website please Contact Us.

Information on this website has been obtained from a number of different sources and was correct, to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. Things can change so we would always recommend seeking professional medical advice from a healthcare practitioner.