Hospital tests
  • Medical tests and scans help healthcare staff find out what is wrong with you.
  • They also help them decide how to make you better.
  • It is normal to feel nervous before a test.
  • You have the right to ask for things that will help you.
  • These are called reasonable adjustments.

Easy read resources.

  • You can go through the information below on your own, with support or in groups.
  • Ask someone you trust to help you if you need to.

  • Click on an image for more information.
Choosing your hospital.

Easy read

Choosing your hospital.

Changing your hospital.

Easy read

Changing your hospital.

My hospital visit (for kids).

Easy read

My hospital visit (for kids).

My hospital visit.

Easy read

My hospital visit.

Friends and family test.

Easy read

Friends and family test.

Friends and family test (maternity).

Easy read

Friends and family test (maternity).

Hospital care for young people moving to adult services.

Easy read

Hospital care for young people moving to adult services.

No smoking in the hospital.

Easy read

No smoking in the hospital.

How to give a poo sample.

Easy read

How to give a poo sample.

How to give a wee sample.

Easy read

How to give a wee sample.

Having a blood test at the hospital.

Easy read

Having a blood test at the hospital.

What is a cannula?

Easy read

What is a cannula?

Testing for bugs.

Easy read

Testing for bugs.

Having a day operation for children.

Easy read

Having a day operation for children.

Guide to nil by mouth.

Easy read

Guide to nil by mouth.

Having an ultrasound.

Easy read

Having an ultrasound.

Having a pregnancy before some treatments.

Easy read

Having a pregnancy before some treatments.

Having an X-ray.

Easy read

Having an X-ray.

Having a contrast scan.

Easy read

Having a contrast scan.

Having a CT scan.

Easy read

Having a CT scan.

Having a CT scan under general anaesthetic.

Easy read

Having a CT scan under general anaesthetic.

Having a CT scan under sedation.

Easy read

Having a CT scan under sedation.

Having an MRI scan.

Easy read

Having an MRI scan.

Having a kidney scan.

Easy read

Having a kidney scan.

Having a nephrostogram kidney test.

Easy read

Having a nephrostogram kidney test.

Having a MAG3 kidney scan.

Easy read

Having a MAG3 kidney scan.

Having a nerve block.

Easy read

Having a nerve block.

Having a venogram.

Easy read

Having a venogram.

Spinal cord monitoring during an operation.

Easy read

Spinal cord monitoring during an operation.

Having a drain placed.

Easy read

Having a drain placed.

Having a biopsy.

Easy read

Having a biopsy.

Having a muscle biopsy.

Easy read

Having a muscle biopsy.

Having an embolisation.

Easy read

Having an embolisation.

Having your veins lasered.

Easy read

Having your veins lasered.

Wearing mittens in hospital.

Easy read

Wearing mittens in hospital.

Using a pulse oximeter.

Easy read

Using a pulse oximeter.

Having photos taken at the hospital.

Easy read

Having photos taken at the hospital.

Other reading resources.

  • Not easy read, ask someone you trust if you need help.

  • Click on an image for more information.

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​To leave feedback about any of the healthcare information found on this website please Contact Us.

Information on this website has been obtained from a number of different sources and was correct, to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. Things can change so we would always recommend seeking professional medical advice from a healthcare practitioner.